Technical Assistance

Whether you are bringing a new product to market or looking for a new manufacturer for an existing product, we can help.


Regulatory Navigation

  • Determination of product attributes to applicable regulations.

  • Labeling guidance to conform to regulatory requirements.

  • Formulation conformance to regulatory requirements.


Labeling and Packaging Conformity

  • Assistance in packaging selection for suitability to application.

  • Work with packaging suppliers to ensure conformance to customer requirements.


Formula Development and Modification:

  • In-house formula development to meet customer desired attributes.

  • Troubleshooting or modification of existing formulations


Sourcing and Vetting Raw Material Suppliers:

  • Priority placed on sourcing of USP/NF raw materials.

  • Strong preference given to domestic/local raw material manufacturers.

  • Raw material supplier audits

  • Systematic raw material supplier verification process